After discovering that my 2 month old son was suffering from TERRIBLE eczema, I began frantically searching for some sort of relief. The Dermatologists and Specialist all had recommendations but most involved pretty invasive medical attention that I wasn’t comfortable exposing my new baby to. That’s when Creation of the Sea recommended Himalayan Pink Sea Salt as a daily soak treatment to help calm his inflamed skin and provide much needed relief. After only a few daily 20 minute soaks, my baby’s skin started to calm down and his flare ups began to subside. I believe that between the soaks and continuous moisturizing I was able to provide comfort and regain control over my sons eczema. I am happy to say that at now eight months, my son’s skin is gorgeous!! We do have outbreaks here and there, but I always have my Himalayan Pink Sea Salt on hand to aid in relief and get him back on track. I am so happy that I was able to avoid unneeded medical attention to get my baby back on track!!

Stephanie Brown
Long Valley, NJ